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Under the Sun

By Deb


DISCLAIMER: M7 characters belong to MGM, Trilogy, CBS, and TNN. The characters from Stargate SG-1 belong to MGM, Gekko, and Showtime. I'm not making any money from writing this story, I just love to write. Original characters (present and mentioned) belong to me...primarily Adriana and Dawn in this story.

SPOILERS: references to Ghosts of the Confederacy, One Day Out West, Witness, The Trial, Achilles, my own More than Friends. References to the movie Stargate, and various Stargate SG-1 episodes.

WARNING: original characters, some violence, nasty language in certain sections.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: At the end of the story, as I did with The Light in the Distance, will be the entire song from which the title is taken. While the quote won't make sense right away, it will as the story goes on and once you read the song, which reminds me powerfully of Vin.

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Part Forty-Six

The following morning, SG-7 returned to the Gate. Rain Tyler would be staying, just a little longer. Until SG-3 arrived, with its commander, Colonel Ella Gaines, the young biologist would remain behind to help the Se'min'o rebuild their village...rebuild their lives. Chris wished he could help as well, but he had to get his wounded back to the SGC. Buck and Josiah were both wobbly, and Vin was...well, he would make it.

Much to Larabee's surprise, the guide had allowed Rain to check him didn't hurt that little Elena had remained at his side during the examination, so he didn't dare act up. Rain told Chris after she checked out the guide, Vin had a nasty bruise on his right side, and his ribs were bruised from the kick. Rain advised that Dr. Frasier take a look at him, since Nathan was still tending to Buck and Josiah...but she thought he would be all right.

It was while they were discussing Vin that Chris learned Ella was the commander of SG-3. That little piece of information had surprised Chris. He had known Ella years ago...they had been lovers, but eventually...Chris couldn't say they drifted apart, because that wasn't really true. It would be far more accurate to say she had burned him out. Shortly after the breakup, Chris had met Buck...and then, eventually, Sarah Connelly.

As Chris looked around the village, it occurred to him that while SG-7 had helped the Se'min'o defend their village...the mission had changed SG-7. Maybe even changed Chris himself. The colonel shied away from that wasn't that he was afraid of change, as such, but it depended on the kind of change. He found himself softening toward these men, and the protective barriers Chris had used over the last two and a half years to keep people out, including his own men, were falling. He muttered, shaking his head, "Damn Tanner."

"What the hell are ya cussin' me out for this time, cowboy?" Tanner asked, limping to the colonel's side. Chris glared at the young man, who just responded with an impish, though tired, grin. Tanner continued, "In case ya hadn't noticed, I ain't been in trouble all day. Even let the lady doctor look at me yesterday, when Nathan coulda used her help with the major and J'siah. That reminds me, has the kid stopped fussin' over the major yet?"

Chris smirked and shook his head, replying, "Nope. All of Buck's fussin' is returnin' to haunt him." Tanner laughed outright, then winced, and Chris said more seriously, "How are you feeling? Woozy? Notice, I said woozy, not dizzy. I don't think it's a secret that you're dizzy." Larabee smirked at the one-fingered salute he received from his companion, adding, "And I was cussin' you out on account of because, as my grandfather always used to say."

"Hate to be the one to tell ya this, cowboy, but that ain't strictly a Hoosier ma used to say the same thing. Not to me, though," Vin replied. The smirk which accompanied that comment was borderline wicked, and Chris rolled his eyes. Vin added, "True though. I was right shy when I was a little fella. Think Miss Drina, when ya first met her, and that's about the size of it. Not 'round Ma, but other folks."

"You know, Tanner, I oughta shoot you for calling me 'cowboy.' There's only one other person who can get away with it, and she's not here," Chris retorted. Vin just smiled, obviously guessing who that someone was. Chris shook his head, muttering, "I don't scare you at all, do I, kid?" This time, it was Tanner's turn to glare, and Chris grinned at him impishly. I have my own weapon, he thought, Tanner hates being called 'kid.'

Still, he found he really didn't mind it when Tanner called him 'cowboy.' It wasn't unlike Adriana calling him 'cowboy.' Usually accompanied by her giggles when he 'attacked' her. Those 'attacks' usually ended with either a pillow fight, or Chris tickling Adriana. Or, if the pair were in a really mischievous mood (which happened relatively often in those early years), they ganged up on Buck and tickled him.

"The day I'm afraid of ya, Larabee, is the day I walk back to Texas in my bare feet," Vin responded, and Chris surprised himself by laughing. Damn, what was it about this kid? How did he know what to say, to make Chris laugh? Chris didn't know, and he suspected Tanner didn't know, either. Vin continued, "Was talkin' to Nathan. Says that SG-3 should be here in about a week, soon as they finish whatever the hell they're doin' right now."

Chris nodded and asked, "You worried about them?" Vin shrugged, his eyesscanning the area, and Chris continued, "We're leaving the cannon with them. The chief was joking with me about greeting the next invaders with hospitality." Vin looked at Chris out of the corner of his eye, and the colonel explained, "He'll open the doors of his home to them...and blast them with the cannon." It took Tanner a few minutes to figure this out, then he burst out laughing.

"Reckon that'll do it," Vin snickered. The two men stood in comfortable silence for several minutes, then Vin said, "Reckon I am a mite worried about 'em. Ain't got no call. They can take care of 'emselves. Lord, Chris, I ain't never forget, seein' Elena kill them Jaffa."

Sobering, Chris nodded his understanding. He asked gently, "After everything you've seen, do you still want to be part of SG-7?" The colonel was taken aback when the young man nodded fiercely, brown hair brushing his shoulders. He had guessed Vin wouldn't back out after their first mission, but it had been good to hear. The surprise had come with Vin's nearly ferocious affirmative.

"Hell, ya couldn't keep me away, Larabee! Even if the SGC weren't a secret, ain't no way I'd walk away now, even if I could, and ya know that as well as I do!" Vin answered heatedly. It was so unlike the normally calm, quiet young man, Chris stared in surprise. Vin blushed and dropped his head, muttering, "Sorry 'bout that, cowboy. I just never...I'm part a' somethin' special here. Even I can see that. And I ain't 'bout to give that up."

Chris was surprised and touched by the sentiment. And a little awed. While the guide had spoken little of his past, Chris had guessed that his early life had been no picnic. While Chris had been part of a close-knit family while growing up, he had found it easier to shut people out after losing Sarah and Adam. Yet this kid refused to shut himself down, despite whatever had happened to him...that took a whole helluva lot of courage, and Chris admired him for it.

"What happens next, cowboy? Once we get back to the SGC?" Vin asked quietly, his vehemence of only minutes earlier gone. He was back to being the quiet, somewhat mysterious guide whom the rest of SG-7 knew. Only Chris, who was coming to know the guide's expressions, could see the uncertainty...even the the bright eyes. He had seen that look before, when he and Hammond first approached Tanner.

"Well, you, Buck, and Josiah...will spend a little time in the infirmary. Janet likes to be sure that all of her chicks are back in one piece, make sure no one suffered any lasting damage. A word to the wise, don't try to get out of it...the woman is tiny, but she's fierce. Kinda like someone else we know," Chris replied, and Vin laughed. Chris continued, "Then we'll have a debriefing, the general will ask you questions...then we wait for the next mission."

Vin bobbed his head once, and asked, "What about Ez? Are ya gonna tell the generals the whole story there?" Ez? Ezra? Whole story? Oh, that! A quick glance out of the corner of his eye told Chris that while Vin was pretending to be casual about the question, he was actually worried. Still pretending to be casual, Vin continued, "Would hate to see Ez punished for somethin' that I woulda done. Mind ya, I'd take the punishment. But..."

So that was it. Chris said quietly, "It's going into my report that Ezra Standish was investigating something he found curious at the time of the attack. Based on what Rain got out of Elena's mother, Ezra followed her after you had gotten up. He's not going to be kicked out of the program for that, if that's what worries you. And neither would you, Vin." The guide bobbed his head in understanding. If there was relief in his eyes as well, Chris couldn't see it.

"Then I reckon it's time we headed for the Stargate, pard. General Hammond ain't gonna be real happy if we're late," Vin said. Chris just laughed and the two men joined the rest of SG-7. Nathan was still saying good-bye to Rain, and Chris thought it best if he didn't interfere.

Nathan was, after all, bigger than himself. Josiah was lying on a stretcher created by two of the villagers...who were also carrying the stretcher. It had been decided that while Josiah was healing, the walk to the Stargate, up and down the hills, would be too much for him. Buck was leaning heavily on JD, his face still pale from his close encounter with the ribbon device the previous day. Ezra stood to one side, a faint smile on his face as he regarded the others. Chris surveyed his wounded men and smiled to himself.

"Ready to go home, boys?" he asked and received enthusiastic 'yeses' from the others. He smiled at the chief, who returned the smile. The man understood and didn't take it personally. Then again, he wouldn't. In some ways, the elderly chief reminded him of General Hammond. Both parents, looking out for his children. Not that Chris would ever tell the general that, since Josiah wasn't that much younger than the general.

As SG-7 moved out and headed back to the Gate, he wondered about the next mission. For the first time in too long, Chris found his blood stirred by an exciting new challenge. He had told the generals that he had a feeling he would regret this...but what he regretted, really, was losing the emotional distance. In all honesty, Chris hadn't felt this alive in years. He only hoped he lived long enough to enjoy it.

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Part Forty-Seven

After SG-7 returned to home base, everything seemed to spin out of control. Not 'going to hell in a handbasket' out of control. But things did happen awfully fast. As Chris had predicted, Janet Frasier had kept 'the walking wounded' in the infirmary for three days for observation. She was as worried about Vin as she was about Josiah and Buck. And after she explained what could have happened to Vin because of that kick, Chris understood.

Once the trio was healed, the debriefings took place, and it was then that 'the Magnificent Seven' was born. A year removed from that first mission, Chris Larabee had very specific plans for the day. And thinking about the last year wasn't a bad way to start the day...seeing where he had been. How far they all had come. The Chris Larabee who had gone on weekend benders still appeared from time to time, but he had his drinking under control. He was controlling the pain now. It was something he had learned from his new friend.

As the year passed, Chris found that his team was beginning to rival SG-1 in terms of reputation alone. That was both a good thing, and a bad, because along with that reputation came another one...or rather, JD's reputation for ending up in the infirmary as often as Daniel Jackson. That kind of reputation, Chris didn't care for, but sometimes, that was the only way a kid could learn. Hell, half the time, that was how Chris himself had learned!

And JD did learn, slowly. Nathan and Ezra's relationship slowly improved, but slowly. They were actually very suspicious of each other, and it wasn't until the team had been together six months that Chris found out why. He hadn't known about Ezra testifying against Nathan's cousin by marriage. And when he did, he had mixed feelings. He could understand Nathan's desire to protect his family...but Ezra had done the right thing, testifying against a dirty cop.

Especially one who had blatantly endangered his wife and children. Chris had no sympathy for cops who deliberately put their families into the line of fire. And he had even less respect for cops who abused their families. Didn't they realize what a precious gift they had? Stupid, stupid fools. But because this was Nathan and Ezra's battle to fight, he stayed out of it. He didn't like it. There were times when he found himself wanting to side with one or the other...but he didn't. Unless he wasn't given a choice, and one of them was clearly in the wrong.

Buck had continued to fuss over and harass JD. The summer came and went without a visit from Adriana. Chris had a letter all ready to send, but by the time he found it again under the mountain of paperwork, she was only weeks away from receiving her degrees. And then, Ella Gaines had exploded back into his life after being spelled by another team on the Se'min'o planet...almost ending it, as well as his friendship with Vin, and his growing relationship with Mary Travis.

Mary. Hell, when had he gone and let her into his heart? Chris wasn't sure, but he had come to realize just how much she meant to him after Ella's betrayal. Betrayal. Such a simple word for the act which had killed his wife and son. Ella's doing. She had hired a hit man, Cletus Fowler, to kill Sarah and Adam. To remove them from Ella's Chris. And when most of the SG-3 team, including Ella's second in command, Jack Averill, had gone rogue, Chris had almost died. Almost lost his entire team.

Vin had a bad feeling about the woman, and tried to warn Chris, but the colonel refused to listen. Chris still hadn't entirely forgiven himself for that. Or for placing the lives of his other men at risk. Or for hurting Mary. Hell, they had fought plenty of times, but never, after any of their arguments, had he ever seen a look in her eyes like the expression he saw after Ella Gaines had finished with the entire SGC.

A member of SG-3 had lost her life as well. Hildy. A sweet, well-endowed lieutenant with a crush on Buck...who had sacrificed her life to save Buck's. And Chris cursed himself for not knowing her last name, but he had never heard it. Just that she had been willing to stand with SG-7 against her own teammates, that she had adored Buck, and that her death had devastated his old friend. It seemed none of them had survived Ella Gaines unscathed.

Mary was starting to speak to him again, for which he was grateful. In fact, she was part of the reason this day had even happened. About four months earlier, while surfing the Internet as research (she was trying to learn enough to have an intelligent conversation with Daniel Jackson, as Mary had put it), she had made a discovery. A discovery she shared with Chris, and together, they decided on a plan of action. Mary printed out a second copy of the piece which had attracted her attention, and Chris slid it under Daniel's door into his office. And they let the young Egyptologist take it the rest of the way.

Which Daniel had, setting the wheels into motion. Chris had received the roster of incoming new recruits, both civilian and military the previous week, and immediately showed it to Mary. Yes, their little plan had worked brilliantly. Although not too brilliantly, because Generals Hammond and Travis had figured out the connection after doing further study. However, neither of them disapproved of the steps taken, since Chris hadn't interfered in the decision making process. He had simply brought someone to their attention, albeit indirectly.

And it was time to get this day rolling. Chris left his quarters and headed in the opposite direction of the cafeteria, still thinking about the year his team had experienced. The encounter with the FBI agent Cyrus Poplar, who had accused Josiah of cover his own guilt. Josiah had returned to his hometown to see his sister, and only an email from the nun in charge of her care had alerted SG-7 to the danger faced by their anthropologist. Vin had never lost faith in Josiah, even when the others were doubtful.

Josiah had responded by becoming fiercely protective of the young man, even more protective than before. And like SG-1 before them, SG-7 began turning into a family. Probably a dysfunctional one, as the saying went today, but a family nonetheless. And while Nathan would have given Ezra a hard time about his card games, he would fiercely defend the former negotiator to any outsider who spoke against the man, including members of other SG teams.

General Travis, too, had become part of that family. He confided to Chris once that God had taken his son away from him, a loss that remained with him, and always would. But when he had been invited to help create SG-7, he had been given several new sons. They would never replace Steven...but they were his sons, nonetheless. And while he never said anything outright, Chris had the sense that the general approved of the relationship growing between the leader of SG-7 and his beautiful daughter-in-law.

Speak of the devil, and she appears. Mary was heading in his direction, her long blonde hair loose for once, and her green eyes alight with excitement. She had been a willing participant in this little plan...hell, if it hadn't been for her, it would have never happened. Funny. By the way she was acting, you would have thought it was her birthday, and she was expecting a wonderful gift. It occurred to Chris that he didn't know when her birthday was, and decided to find out. Maybe Vin would know.

Those two had become as thick as thieves ever since Mary had begun their lessons. Their lessons. Damn kid. He had tried keeping his lack of education a secret. Hell, he and the general had figured it out immediately. He hadn't fooled either of them, and Chris realized, Vin hadn't fooled anyone else, not even General Travis. Once Vin could get past his pride, and admit that he could barely read and write, the Furies descended upon him. His fate was sealed at that point.

Not just Mary, though she started the ball rolling, by teaching him how to read and write properly. No, Sam Carter got into the act by teaching him math. And as his knowledge grew, so did his desire to learn, and it was then that Janet Frasier joined the team, teaching him science. The three women were very proud of him, and to tell the truth, so was Chris. Not that he ever said would have only embarrassed Vin.

"Going to get Vin?" Mary asked and Chris nodded as she fell into step beside him. Mary added, "You know, I haven't been this excited since Jack and Vin put Colonel Maybourne in his place. Did you happen to notice the way Maybourne avoided all contact with Vin, the last time he was here?" Chris responded with a smirk. He had not only noticed it, he had fed Maybourne's paranoia about the seemingly uneducated young man, and had taken great pleasure in feeding it.

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Part Forty-Eight

It had been during a red-carpet visit from the president. All of the SG teams were in their dress uniforms, and on their best behavior. Even Chris and Jack, through neither colonel could quite resist the temptation to harass their primary annoyance, outside of the Tok'ra and Tollan. Colonel Harry Maybourne, and one of the few sources of agreement between Ezra and Nathan, even on a bad day.

Maybourne, who had long been a nemesis of SG-1, and then SG-7, had been trying to impress the president. What was it that Sarah always used to say? The best way to impress, is to not impress? Something like that, but the gist was, the best way to impress someone was not to make the attempt in the first place. Something which no one had ever told Maybourne, because he managed to make an ass out of himself by sounding off something he knew nothing about.

Jack had to have known what was coming. Maybe from Teal'c, who had little reason to like the smarmy colonel? Chris didn't know. What he did know, was Jack had struck after Maybourne had 'educated' the president about a mission involving SG-1, with Vin acting as a guide. Much to the disgust of the entire team, Maybourne had accompanied them and nearly gotten them all killed when he had given his position away to the resident System Lord. And then here he was, taking the credit for SG-1's safe return home.

From the corner of his eye, Chris had seen Jack drape his arm around Vin's shoulders...O'Neill was one of the few people who could get away with that. Chris being another. Jack whispered something to the young guide, and while Chris had no idea what was said, he did see Vin's reaction to it. His best friend's bright blue eyes had flashed with fury, and Jack patted his shoulder, then whispered something else. Knowing Vin, Chris doubted that his friend cared that Maybourne was taking credit for what Vin himself had, it would have been the part about Maybourne nearly getting them all killed, and painting himself as a hero.

A devilish smile had crossed Vin's face, and Chris had known right then he had to have a front row seat for this. He quietly drew Mary closer, and noticed the rest of SG-7 closing ranks. Just in case, but no one in Stargate Command was about to stop Colonel O'Neill or the guide. General Hammond just watched warily, while Orrin Travis was grinning so broadly, you would have thought Vin was his own child.

Jack had said, "Sir, I'd like you to meet Vin Tanner, one of the two guides for the SGC. He was our guide on that mission, and I can say without any reservation that we couldn't have asked for a better one. If there was any hero on that mission, I'm pleased to say this young man would be that hero." He proceeded to explain, in detail, what Vin had done to get SG-1 home safely. That hadn't impressed the president...but the sight of Vin blushing in embarrassment had gotten the man's attention.

He questioned Vin at length, inquiring how he had known to do something at a particular time. Vin admitted that he had never been on the planet before, but there were similar areas in Texas, where he had grown up. He had taken a chance, and ended up being right. He was quiet and low-key, as always. Chris didn't know if it was Vin's heroics which impressed the president, or his demeanor...he did know, however, that his demeanor greatly impressed the Secret Service.

As the conversation had progressed, the president had put his arm around Vin's shoulders. Chris, who knew Vin very well, saw him stiffen ever so slightly, but he also saw his friend fight his own reaction. Again, looking at the Secret Service agents, he could see they noticed as well. Just as they noticed the president effectively turning his back on Colonel Maybourne to talk with the young guide, without another word to the colonel. And Chris saw more than one pair of eyes twinkle as he scanned the impassive faces. Oh, they were definitely enjoying this!

The best part had come during the demonstration. Vin had taken part, at the requests of Generals Hammond and Travis. The two generals had to specially request him to take part, because Vin wasn't one for showing off. Jack had been standing just behind the president, Chris at his side, and observed that Vin wasn't accustomed to an audience while he shot. He was doing very well, for being so nervous. Startled at this observation, the president had asked the two colonels about shots they had seen Vin made.

Neither man had to lie...nor did they have to raise their respective voices to make sure Maybourne heard every word. The smarmy colonel had patronized Vin upon Maybourne's arrival at the SGC, speaking to him as if he was a five year old...a rather stupid five year old child, at that. He had tried to take credit for something Vin had done, when all Maybourne had actually done was almost get SG-1 killed. And while Vin wasn't real interested in getting revenge for his own sake, his friends would be more than happy to point out to Maybourne that Vin Tanner was a formidable man...and getting more dangerous all the time.

Chris had to remind himself of that...Vin didn't take surprises well. Not usually. But this surprise, the colonel was sure Vin would love. He was willing to stake his life on it. As he approached Vin's quarters, Mary said, "I'll see you later. General Hammond asked me to wear my dress uniform when the new recruits arrive, and I need to change. See you then?" Chris nodded, and she smiled, then continued on. Yes, he would definitely see her then!


Larabee was up to something. Vin knew it, could feel it. Could see it, every time he saw Larabee smirking at something, and then saying 'nothing' when questioned about it. Uh-huh. Nothin.' Riiiiiiiiiiight. He was up something. But that was all right, because Vin was a patient man. He could wait to find out what that something was.

As was his custom, Vin had remained at the SGC following a mission. He didn't have an apartment...instead, he rented a room at Nettie Welles' boardinghouse. Wasn't on Earth enough to look for an apartment, and there was something about Nettie which remind him of his mother. Nettie had another tie to Cheyenne Mountain...her niece Casey was going steady with JD. They had just celebrated their six month anniversary. Vin laughed to himself. He would be very surprised if JD and Casey didn't get married after Casey graduated from college.

Vin slid his feet into his cowboy boots, a gift from Chris for Vin's last birthday. Twenty-five years old. Shit. Vin shook his head, barely able to believe a year had passed since his first meeting with Chris Larabee, Nathan Jackson, and Mary Travis in that bar. Mary and Nathan had both become his friends, his good friends, as had JD, Buck, and Josiah. But Chris had become his best friend, the brother he had always wanted.

As Vin stepped out of his room, he wasn't surprised to find Chris waiting for him. He smiled at his friend, saying, "Knew ya'd be waitin' on me, cowboy. Been there long?" Chris shook his head, smiling as well, and the two men set out for the quarters of the others. It was a morning ritual, begun by a few months into hell, how would Ezra put it? Oh yeah. A few months into their association. The first two up, usually Chris and Vin, would collect each man for breakfast, starting with JD, followed by Buck, Josiah, Ezra, then Nathan, whose quarters were the nearest to the cafeteria.

Five minutes later, they were all seated at their favorite table, eating amid much laughter and teasing. JD had seen Chanu just before he had headed out with SG-6, and the SGC's first guide had happily informed him that Claire was pregnant, past the stage she had miscarried during her second pregnancy. Buck chimed in with results of his continuing campaign to win the lovely Inez Rescillos (going badly, as usual). Ezra had done well during his last poker game (another big surprise there). Josiah's sister had improved a little, after a visit from Josiah and Vin.

Chris said, breaking into the laughter, "I got the roster...we got some new recruits coming in today. Just a reminder...the general was not amused by the misdirection given to the newcomers, the last time. JD. Buck. Ezra. It was funny, yeah, but what if the situation had been life-threatening? Be least until they cop an attitude with you." Vin laughed, and Chris narrowed his eyes at him...then smirked. Hell, Chris scared him when he smiled like that! Vin wasn't afraid of Chris, never had been...but there were times when Chris scared him. Like now.

Breakfast continued. As usual after returning from a mission, Vin had eaten something bland. Just toast smeared with butter and jam. The Gate travel always messed up his insides, and rather than eat a big breakfast after returning, only to lose it, Vin kept it simple. He would have reason to be grateful for that on this day. At a quarter to eight, Nathan observed, "You know, if we want to get to the briefing on time, we better leave now. You know how the tours of the new recruits clog up the hallways."

Chris nodded, swallowing the last of his coffee, and said, "Let's go, boys. Way I figure it, we may have the recruits behind us, but that's better than having 'em in front of us." A chorus of 'amen to that, brother' and 'you got that right' was the answer, and the men were on their way.

As they passed General Hammond's office, they heard the general say, "Well, let's get the tour started. Now, you're the only one arriving this, no, don't apologize. That shows forethought, showing up before everyone else. And I can better answer your questions one on one, if you see something that puzzles you. I have a mission briefing with one of my teams in fifteen minutes, but I can at least get the tour started."

"That's a wonderful outfit...very becoming to you, and very practical as well," Mary said. Vin smiled to himself, hearing his friend's voice. She had become like an older sister to him, as the year had passed. She wasn't that much older, maybe two or three years, but she mothered him as much as Nettie did. He didn't mind her version of mothering...while she was fiercely protective of her son Billy, who was now six years old, she didn't smother him. Same with Vin.

Just like someone else he knew. It wasn't the first time she had reminded him of Adriana. Vin smiled wistfully, seeing that young lady in his mind, so clearly. He and Chris hadn't had a chance to find Adriana. But they would. Once they had a vacation long enough, they would find her. It was then that he heard a familiar laugh, then, "Thanks, Captain Travis. I wasn't sure if I should look professional with aching feet, or go with business casual and be comfortable."

Vin stopped dead in his tracks. He was imagining things. Yes. That had to be it. He had finally started hearing Adriana's voices, but now, he was hearing her talk to Mary, instead of just him. But then the voice spoke again, saying, "Anyhow, the last I heard, my older brother and a family friend...I guess you could say he's my adopted brother...were stationed here in Colorado. I'm hoping to have a chance to look them up."

Vin did an about-face then...and his breath caught in his throat. Oh God. It was her. Three years older, but it was still Adriana. Her hair was a little shorter than he remembered, now brushing her collarbone, rather than reaching to her shoulders. She looked a little tired, but she had never been a morning person. She was dressed in a pair of black slacks, matching black suede boots, and a white blouse. She always loved wearing black.

And then he believed his eyes and his ears. It really was her. Vin swallowed hard, no longer aware of anything else except Adriana Kathleen Wilmington. Or was it Dr. Wilmington now? He didn't know. He didn't know anything except that in that funny way the world worked sometimes, it was no longer necessary for him and Chris to find her. She had found him. She was here. She had found him.

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Part Forty-Nine

Keeping this secret had to be the hardest thing Chris had ever done in his life. In the year he had known Vin, he had only held back from his friend once, and that was during the fiasco with Ella Gaines. He had never lied to him, never been less than honest with him. Not even helping the others to plan his surprise birthday party when Vin had turned twenty-five had been this difficult...getting JD to keep his mouth shut, however, was another thing during that time.

But Chris had kept his mouth shut...he had kept his mouth shut as Vin zoned, while they were walking past General Hammond's office. He knew what Vin was thinking, of course. He was mentally preparing himself for the briefing. Chris had kept his mouth shut when he saw Buck straighten at the sound of his younger sister's voice, then winked at Ezra, who had kicked the major's ankle, then pushed him ahead, muttering under his breath about people holding up traffic.

Chris had even kept his mouth shut when he heard Adriana's voice himself, and he realized how much he had missed her these last few years. No. This was one time when Chris Larabee's gratification would just have to wait. And then Vin had stopped dead in the middle of the corridor, almost getting run over by Nathan in the process, and executed a near-perfect about face. General Travis would have been proud.

And that was when Chris Larabee had his gratification, when he saw the look on his best friend's face. The surprise...the awe...the joy. The disbelief, which slowly gave way to the infamous, and lethal, Tanner smile. Vin whispered, "Adriana? Drina?" There was no way she could have heard it. Chris knew that. As she, Mary, and the general neared them, Adriana looked away from Mary, with whom she had been joking, and glanced toward them.

It wasn't a full look. Just the kind of glance when you were in an unfamiliar place, and trying to avoid getting yourself run over in the process. A 'take-stock, let's see where we are and what's going on,' type of look.

Still, it gave Chris the opportunity to actually look at his little sister, at her face, rather than just her profile. She really hadn't changed that much in the last few years. She had become prettier. Stood up straighter, lifting her chin, her eyes meeting the world, instead of shying away from it. When Chris had known her, she made it a point to avoid attention, unless she was with him. And, for the first time, it occurred to him that he had made her feel safe.

But her eyes weren't focused on him, not at first. They swept over the seven men, and recognition didn't show in her eyes. Until a familiar grimace of confusion crossed her face, and her eyes swung back to Vin. Chris wasn't entirely sure why she hadn't recognized him or Buck, until he remembered that their uniforms weren't what she was accustomed to. And it had been years since she had seen either of them.

"Vin?" she whispered, her eyes settling on the guide. The new archaeologist broke away from the general and Mary, and Chris glanced away from the impending reunion, long enough to see Mary's happy smile, and the general's expression. He didn't look surprised...he was just watching the reunion. Just like everyone else. At the same time, Vin left the other six and started for Adriana. Meeting her half way, just like he had always done, it seemed.

As he started for her, Adriana repeated, "Vin...oh my God. It is you." Her voice had grown stronger, and Vin stopped only a few steps from her. He was close enough to reach out and touch her. His hand came up...and stopped short of reaching out to her. Chris wanted to go to his friend, wanted to finish the contact...complete the reunion, but this was for Vin to do, Vin and Adriana. And it wasn't necessary for Chris to do anything.

Adriana took that last step for him, and took his hand. That was it, then. With a whoop of joy, Vin had pulled Adriana in his arms, holding onto her as if he would never, ever let her go. And Adriana looked just as reluctant to release him. She kept saying his name, over and over again, as if she couldn't believe her hands, her eyes, her ears. At last, she pulled back and whispered, "Kevin, where have you been? What happened? Are you all right?"

"Kevin? His real name is Kevin? Not Vincent? He knows my sister? Chris? Did you know this? How does he know my sister? How does he know DeeDee?" Buck asked in a mixture of confusion, hurt, and disbelief. There was a brief silence, then Buck blurted out, "Holy shit, my little sister's here! She's here, Chris, at Cheyenne Mountain!" Chris tore his eyes away from the embracing pair long enough to give Buck a Look that was about equal to Jack O'Neill saying ya think?

"I take it that this lovely young woman, who is unfortunate enough to be the younger sibling of Major Wilmington, is also the archaeologist friend of whom Mr. Tanner spoke in such glowing terms at the beginning of our association? The same young lady whom Private Dunne insulted?" Ezra drawled. Chris looked away from Buck as JD turned bright red, and gulped. Ezra chuckled and said, "I do look forward to makin' her acquaintance, yes, I do!"

"Lord help that girl," Nathan sighed, shaking his head. He was already recovering from his surprise. After a moment, however, he grinned and said, "Then again, she's got Buck and Chris as older brothers, and Vin as a friend. I think she can handle herself." Yup, Chris thought, she can. But I have a sneaking suspicion you'll end up forgetting that, Nate. Chris hoped not. He had seen what happened to people who underestimated Adriana. The term 'roadkill' always seemed appropriate in those cases.

One more glance, this time at Josiah, told Chris that the big man already knew of Vin's friendship with Adriana, though Chris didn't know how he knew. According to Vin, Chris was the only one who had been told about that. It was possible that Josiah had figured it out on his own or... Chanu. Of course. Chanu's wife Claire had gone to the University of Texas, and both she and Chanu had known Vin there. Chanu would have probably known Adriana as well. And Chris did know about Josiah's friendship with Chanu's father Koje.

Both Adriana and Vin were oblivious, as Vin said softly, "I am so sorry, Drina. I never wanted to leave without sayin' good-bye to ya. When did ya get here, are ya here permanently?" Adriana bobbed her head, and Vin continued, "I ain't never stopped thinkin' 'bout ya. 'Specially after I met Chris." Around Vin's shoulder, Adriana looked at Chris for the first time, and blinked in surprise...then that familiar, impish grin appeared. Repeating his words of the previous year, Chris thought, I have a feeling I'm gonna regret this. And if I don't, Buck will!

"Ya said...I mean. ...ya ain't leavin,' Drina? Here, permanently?" Vin asked, falling back into the shorthand speech he used with Chris. Because Chris knew exactly what he was saying, and so, it seemed, did Adriana. She nodded, her smile broadening, making her eyes shine. What Vin did next would remain etched in Chris Larabee's memory for all time. The young guide dropped, ever so slightly, just enough to put his arms around Adriana's hips, and lifted her into the air. Completely off her feet, and crowed, "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!"

With Adriana in his arms, Vin spun her around and Adriana laughed with delight, her hands placed on his shoulders, her hands weaving around his neck, until her fingers were laced together under his hair. At least at first. As the pair continued to spin about the corridor like an out of control top, Adriana released him, her arms flying out to her sides. Trusting Vin to hold her, trusting him to keep her safe.

And he would. Chris looked away from Vin and Adriana, still laughing and dancing and spinning, and his eyes met Mary's. She smiled. One promise he had made to Vin had been kept. He had found Adriana, and he had brought her least, he had set the events in motion. General Hammond's decision, Daniel's reaction to her dissertation on the age of the Sphinx, and Adriana's own decision, had taken care of the rest.

Yes, he had kept half of his promise. The other half, the part about finding out who employed Eli Joe, was proving problematic. But the rest of the team was helping with that, as were SG-1, Mary, and General Hammond. One mountain at a time, one promise at a time. Adriana Kathleen Wilmington was home, where she belonged, with her two brothers and with her dearest friend. For now, that was enough.

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Part Fifty

AUTHOR'S NOTE: As promised, the lyrics to 'Under the Sun' are at the bottom of the section. Things didn't quite turn out as I planned, with the references to the song, but 'Under the Sun' is still a good title for this, I think. I'll be starting 'Days of Yearning' within the next few days. Thanks to all for your support and encouragement!

"Still can't believe you never told me...all this time, you knew that Vin and Adriana had been friends, and you never told me," Buck Wilmington grumbled. He and Chris, along with Ezra, JD, Josiah, and Nathan, were all seated in the cafeteria several hours later. At a separate table, several yards away, sat Adriana and Vin. Talking in low, but animated tones. Ever so often, as Chris watched, Adriana would reach out and touch Vin's cheek with the back of her hand. Or Vin would tuck a stray curl back behind Adriana's ear, still listening to what she was saying. Buck shook his head, and repeated, "Still can't believe it."

"Wasn't my story to tell, Buck. It was Vin's, and he had to be sure that he could trust you," Chris answered. Buck glared at him, and Chris continued, "He wasn't sure if he could trust you not to beat the living shit out of him. He hasn't survived as long as he has, on his own, by being stupid. And he wasn't sure if he could trust you to listen."

"You are very protective of your little sister, Brother Buck. That reminds me...why didn't you seek her out after we first got out of the meeting? That's why Vin remained with the generals an extra few minutes, so you could reunite with your sister," Josiah put in. Chris looked over at his oldest friend expectantly. Yes, why hadn't he? Vin and Adriana had only had a few minutes in the hallway, before Hammond gently broke up the reunion.

Hammond had taken SG-7 to the briefing room, where General Travis already waited, while Mary took Adriana on the remainder of the tour. It was during the briefing that they got the news...they were heading back out the following day. SG-8 was late, getting back from a mission, and an SG team was needed immediately. While SG-7 had just come back the previous day, they were the only team planet-side who weren't injured or sick, or would be even somewhat fresh. It sucked, but that was life.

"Damn kid couldn't pack his gear right, and I can't have him going out into the field like that," came Buck's response. Chris rolled his eyes, while JD took off his baseball cap to swat the major with it. Buck continued more seriously, "Sides, I didn't have the first idea what to say to her. I haven't seen my sister in...hell, I can't even remember how long it's been since the last time I saw her." Chris glared at the other man.

"Whose choice was that, Buck? You were the one constantly putting her off, telling her 'oh, not this time.' You better talk to her when we get back from this latest mission, or before we leave," the colonel warned. It wasn't his habit to interfere in other people's business, but this was one time when he made an exception. He had seen the look in Adriana's eyes when Buck had grabbed JD as they came into the cafeteria, and saw something starting to die.

"Is that why you were the second person she grabbed, once we got to the cafeteria? I remember, she hugged Vin again, then grabbed you...I didn't think she planned on letting you go, Chris," Nathan observed. Chris shrugged, though he warmed inside at the memory of the fierce hug he had received from his little sister. Nathan continued, "Guess she was pretty hurt when Buck was too busy hassling JD to hug her."

Ouch. Direct hit. Ezra observed, "I was curious, Colonel Larabee...when she first encountered Mr. Tanner in the corridor this morning, it seemed Dr. Wilmington didn't recognize you or her brother. Why is that?" Chris grinned, remembering the astonishment when she had recognized first Chris, then Buck, astonishment which warred with happiness and fear. What was she afraid of?

"The uniforms threw her. And, like Buck says, it's been years since she saw either of us. I haven't seen her since she left home, when she was seventeen, so it's been eight years...I guess it's been eight years for us both. Vin still dresses pretty much the same way he did when he first joined SG-7, and it's only been three years since she saw him last. I got a chance to talk to her, when I caught up with her and Mary...she admitted as much to me," Chris replied.

"So, she's one of the new floating archaeologists," Josiah observed. Chris nodded. That was what he had learned from both General Hammond and Adriana herself.

"It looks like she's already made a friend in Captain Travis," JD observed and the others all nodded. Mary Travis had taken to Adriana immediately, not showing any signs of hurt feelings by the reserve of the new archaeologist. Maybe because Chris had warned her ahead of time that while Adriana could laugh and joke with new people, it took time before she would let them into her heart. Mary, however, was a patient woman...and she seemed to think any woman who had Vin Tanner's complete trust was a woman worth getting to know.

Buck had been silent for the last several moments, staring at his sister and Vin. Chris knew his old friend loved his sister. That had never been in doubt. But Buck, when confronted with Adriana's presence in Cheyenne Mountain, had done something very unlike himself. He retreated. Chris thought he understood...Buck felt guilty about pushing his sister away. And after eight years, he had no idea how he would be received if he made a move.

And so, he had retreated, trying to work things out in his mind. Unfortunately, when he had done that, he had also put more distance between himself and his sister, especially when Adriana watched him rough-house with JD. His way of showing affection. Chris sighed. When the hell had things become so complicated? Chris barely recognized himself...but after Ella had thrown his world into upheaval, again...he had done a lot of thinking, a lot of soul-searching. It was easier when he simply reacted, instead of thought. Didn't have so many headaches.

"Not to change the subject, but does anyone know the story behind the plaque Janet gave Vin for his birthday a few months ago?" Nathan asked. Chris grinned and nodded. Vin had hung it in his quarters on base, reading it every night before he went to sleep...after he 'told' the stars goodnight. It was the first 'reading' gift he had received since Vin had started his lessons, and it was doubly treasured for that reason.

"You know Janet's of Scottish descent, right?" Chris asked. Nathan bobbed his head in acknowledgment, and Chris continued, "Well, Adriana got Vin into Irish and Scottish music back in Texas, and it gave him something in common with Janet. She was playing a CD one day while he was in there for an exam, and he questioned her about it. The song really struck a chord with him, and she typed up the song lyrics and framed them for him."

"I asked Janet about it," JD chimed in, "and she said that when Vin asked what the lyrics meant, she told him that she thought it was up for interpretation. Personally, I think the lyrics remind me more of Colonel Larabee than of Vin, but he really liked the song. Then again, Colonel O'Neill is forever telling Vin that he's capable of anything under the sun, so maybe that's what got Vin's attention. That's the name of the song, 'Under the Sun,' ya know?"

Everyone at the table fell silent. Vin's usual reaction, when Jack told him that, was to question which sun. Jack tended to bap the young man, or ruffle his hair. SG-1 was away on a mission, and Chris regretted that. He would have liked to see Jack's face when Vin had picked Adriana up and started spinning her around. Almost as if he had heard what Chris was thinking, Ezra said, "I do not believe I shall ever forget the sight of Mr. Tanner picking up that young lady and spinning her around, as if she was the same age as young Master Travis." He shook his head in amazement, his green eyes sparkling with yet more ways to tease Vin.

Josiah chuckled and replied, "Well, brothers, with that young lady around, I can tell things are going to be interesting around here. If she brings out that side of our brother with just her presence, imagine what the two of them are capable of doing together...I have a feeling Colonel O'Neill now has competition for pranks." Chris laughed outright, remembering all the times in the last year when Jack had gotten Vin to help with one of his pranks...usually, on Daniel.

But as Chris looked at Buck, he could tell his old friend was still having a hard time with the revelations, and sighed. Worse, he had a bad feeling that the already strained relationship between the two Wilmington siblings would get worse before it got better. He wouldn't do anything for now...just keep an eye on things. No matter how much he hated it, there was nothing he could do, not really.

Adriana was a grown woman, not a child of thirteen. And despite his best efforts to persuade people to the contrary, Buck was an adult as well. Their relationship was between the two of them, until it spilled over and affected others. When that happened, Chris would step in. And then, he and Vin would pick up the pieces, maybe with help from the others. And maybe he should have told Buck about Vin's relationship to Adriana in the past, once Buck came to trust the young guide.

But...looking back at Vin and Adriana, laughing over something that had happened years earlier, Chris couldn't regret it. Because, when all was said and done, it was Vin's choice, and Vin's decision. And Vin had trusted Chris to keep his secret, at least until he was ready to trust the others. Nor could he regret his part in the wheels that had brought Adriana here...not just for himself, but just looking at the smile on Vin's face. It was worth it. He was worth it.

Go ahead and laugh, he told Vin silently, relax and enjoy the company of the first best friend you ever had. I'll be here when you get back. Relax, because I've got your back...and I'm not about to let anything happen to you. Or to her. Be happy, Vin, because you deserve it. You deserve all the happiness under the sun.

The End (June 30, 2001)

Under the Sun, Steve McDonald

Will a man sell his soul, when a man wants to know
Memories are forever.
Will a man change his mind, hoping to find...lost reality.

All that you've been and all you've become
is all you can be under the sun.

Can a man hope to last not knowing his past
if he chooses to stay, will the world fade away.

All that I know, is all that I know
and all that I know, is all I can show

And it hurts but it's true,
when you pray to the blue
and so you reveal, that nothing is real
nothing but you.

I hear the past calling me,
calling forever we'll family

Will a man lose his mind hoping to find
will a man lose his way
will he break down and pray

Look for the questions and the reasons why
look to the people, look to the sky
look to the books, look for the names
look for the pride that flows in your veins
Look to the loved ones, where have they gone
They live on in memory, they live on in song.
Look with amazement, soon you will find
That the past is still real,
and it's all in your mind.

From the Sons of Somerled album, 1996

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